søndag 23. mai 2010

Alot of st00f

Yes, a very long time since I've been blogging... sorry about that.

I've got a topic to talk about


On Saturday, I searched around youtube. I found some videos about addiction to games from documentaries.

A chinese couple were sueing Blizzard because their son had committed suicide because of World of Warcraft. I think he wanted to be more in the game... like if it was heaven. That's crazy, huh? Suicide for a game? I bet people have done it for RuneScape. The worst thing it have happened.

I'm currently training for Nomad's Requiem, currently defence, but I got 81 ranged and 80 Hp to beat the shi* out of him! I also achieved 72 Farming.

In other news, Morder269 is muted. Yeah, it's bad, 19 more days, however; this is quite different. Morder were giving someone an example of a fake Mod. He asked for the players password as he "played" a mod, and he got reported. He tried to appeal but he's pretty much screwed anyways.

My clan also had an event today; the fight pits. I won the first round with a proud hit at Larz M, the best player to participate at the event. Also, Ermacylon inc.* sponsored the reward; 24 hours of BGS loan and a pile of cash. Funny event, I'm glad we managed to have the event.

Also I'm happy to welcome a new member; ... someone I can't remember the name of!... I'll edit or tell in the next post... sorry.

I found out something cool, Pineapple trees gives amazing 5k farming exp per tree! Wow, me likey!!

* Doesn't really exist

fredag 7. mai 2010

Fuck the Armour

Wow! Achieved 70 Farming! Finally!

In my sister's conformation, I read the poem, and she got touched, everyone was surprised that I wrote that.

I even got Varrock armour 3, it looks fucked up! It doesn't fit my outfit!

I'll write more later, Dad'll turn of the internet, I'll write about that later.