tirsdag 27. juli 2010


I woke up 11. Am. I hate myself.

My father wanted me to paint the garage wall, which is pretty huge... Did I paint it? Yesh! It took almost the whole day, but I finally finished the wall (the outdoor wall, that is ;)), so I didn't have that much time to scape.

When I finished the wall, I went online and watched RayWilliamJohnson on YouTube. Trying to watch all the episodes, comrades!

After the regular Herb run, I found out, that, my friend, x 5, was getting his ring (i). Zerker ring? I can't remember, but I think it was a Zerker. I met up with Rabies and x 5 to celebrate this awesome achievement, and at the same time spending time together. I'm not sure if I should tell you what I said, but it's something about a horse... fine, horseshit. It's not censored. Try it. I dare you.

Interesting fact that is awesome: On a TV-show, some scientists had calculated the total weight of Norway. Now that's fucking useful. It had 18 zeros. o_o

Right now I'm looking at this thing, Mobilising Armies. I've found out I want rank 100 in it, so that I can be a .... Serjeant. NOW. That was...unexpected... I thought commander was Serjeant... Well well, I need rank 200. That will be alot of gaming, folks... Wish me luck!

The picture above is me fighting with zacky v o_0, as all the other opponents got defeated, I can say this is the best fight I've had.

I've decided to TRY to make a minimum of two posts a week, guys. I've posted with between long periods of time, which is bothering me. This way, I'll make it better.

mandag 26. juli 2010

Further progress

I've stopped Dungeoneering, probably the lack of interest. My main goal was to get the Scroll of Life, which, if read, gives you a 10% chance of receiwing seeds from dead plants! With this item, you can save alot of money. As I ALWAYS farm, this'll be my ultimate weapon. =D

I'm spending my penguin points on Summoning, and I'm currently level 66.

There's been some weird stuff on RuneScape. I finally got the torso I've been working on! Defender is the worst role. Pfft. I bought a BGS, again, later to find out it was sinking in price. (I knew this) But it ended up with me losing 2m. Damnit!

I played some Castle wars. Maybe my favorite minigame. Still, I kinda hate it, 'cuz I always lose. Yeah... I hate to lose, really, that's one of the bad things about me. I also bought a Zamorakian Spear, I don't know why... I'm kinda blind, stubborn and lost the interest in Fletching. I still, tho, got a level, 86.

I tried to kill people at CW, too bad I suck at combat. But!! I got a few kills! So I'm happy! =D

I hope Jagex will release Elite Clue rewards soon! I need an update! The updates promised this month was the best thing I've heard, made me forget about the Climbing boots issiue. So yeah, Jagex isn't the bad guys.

Stuff achieved from the last blog: 66 Summoning, 86 Fletching, Fighter torso, nothing much.

torsdag 22. juli 2010

Dungeoneering and me

I haven't posted in quite a time. The truth is I'm kinda tired and haven't bothered to post anything new.

What I've been up to: I've been Dungeoneering. Basically. I reached level 52. Not much more to tell. Sorry guys, just gonna make this quick entry. I'll make more when I get the time. My parents are total assholes and turning the internet off.

About the post under this, that was an accident.

Dungeoneering and me

lørdag 10. juli 2010

What a day!

What a day! I've been farming as hell! I've watched a movie, built up the clan, and I now I have a Dungeon in my house. I spent over 5 mill gold on the house, and it's better now! Anyways, I'm level 70 Construction, 84 Woodcutting and 82 Fletching. My next goal would maybe be 10k Dungeoneering points, for the scroll of life. Ah, yes, Rabies, another blogger, who just started, also a fellow clan leader, got a blog now, and tried to make me go do a boss or something. No, I didn't want to! http://rabiesrs.blogspot.com/

We've recruited around three members to our clan, we're having an event tomorrow, and the new site is better than it has ever been. However, it miss some other things the other web had; complete guides.

Hmm? My vacation? Ah, yes. I got tired, but I also managed to log on RS and do some herb runs and fletch.