Guess what.
I DID IT! I finally got the Quest cape, by defeating Nomad! However he didn't die ... oh well.
It's such a good feeling to finally reach my final destination. I defeated him thursday, the third of March. I have also gotten 80 Fishing and I am only about 14k away from 90 Defence!
What I have been up to? Well, first of all I have been training Defence and Fishing almost the whole holiday. It's nice to have a break for school, but it's on again tomorrow. I suspect my gym, math and Social Sciences teacher is going to drill us hard on gym - I actually hope so, because I need training (that's what I think)!
Sorry for not posting anything, but I have been busy with ... holiday-ing. No, I can't lie. I have been playing, but didn't bother to post anything. The next upcoming weekend - the Bonus Exp weekend - I have only planned one thing. So far.
I am going to start off with my Trees - Magic, Palm and Calquat. Then what? I have no idea of whatever to train, like almost every bonus exp weekend. It's been quite the annoyance.
By the way, the 1st of March--The day Behind The Scenes March came out ironically-- Elemental Workshop IV (4) was released. I'm glad this quest didn't consist of only ONE GIANT PUZZLE, but this time two, the first one being very easy in fact! Once you understood it, it was easy to understand.
The Cosmic puzzle was easy. All you had to do was to bring a couple of elemental runes (fire, earth, water and air). In the room you had to rotate the pillars so that the corresponding runes would go through the 2-4 holes. If there were no solution, you had to switch the rune. It was very easy!
Solving this will activate a robot, Da-Vi (Automaton).
Da-vi will activate a lever granting you access to the CHAOS room.
In the chaos room, you will see a giant facility. What you will have to do is make Da-vi follow your orders made throughout the machine. How? You had to use the RAM (taken literally as a ram) and push for example the fire block into the CPU and the get block into it at the same time. This will make Da-vi go get the fire block.
I'm not a huge fan of the Elemental workshop quests, but I guess it had relatively nice rewards granting you access to the Chaos armour, which gave me a nice outfit to be made. ;)
Now that I have the Quest cape, I am not sure what to put my time in. Only to train other skills.
~Kh576, proud owner of a Quest cape~