torsdag 28. april 2011

Schools up

So Tuesday school was due once more. Funny that I always say I don't have that much to do so school doesn't hurt, yet I always complain! Oh well, my life isn't filled with riches anyway.

Anyhow, the same day me and my mother... yeah, my mother, went shopping clothes, because I seriously needed them. I know it sounds quite feminine, but I seriously needed it. Let's just say jacket and climbing boots aren't what any teen would prefer using... :P

Anyway, back to RuneScape. I haven't gotten that much time to play RuneScape ... when I think of it, I don't know why. There are no reason at all. Anyway, I am doing my usual herb runs and fletching. I am currently 846k experience away from 98 Fletching, so wish me luck! ;)

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