mandag 29. mars 2010

Happy Easter, everyone!

Happy Easter, everyone! Firstly, I'll apologise for the lack of posts.

Anyways, the Easter event came out today! Yay! It wasn't that great, however. You'll basically just run around helping the workers of the Easter bunny. Jagex could do better. The rewards wasn't that great either.

On the picture: Me and Andreaz showing off the reward of the Event.

The days I haven't posted, I have basically just planted herbs and tried to beat Nomad. I didn't beat him, which sucks, I think that thing Nomad is overpowered.

I hate him.

torsdag 25. mars 2010

Nomad's Requiem

I started the Nomad's Requiem quest, but I saved the fight for tomorrow. I'll have a party then.

Oh, I can't wait; It'll be so much fun. Uhhh, maybe not.
But it'll be a challange. So I think It'll be fun. =)

onsdag 24. mars 2010

I luv steroidz

Ah, I checked my potions and I found out I got a bunch which I never use, such as:
Crafting potion
Antifire potion
Magic essence
Saradomin brew

I'm holdint the Saradomin brews there for Nomad's Requiem, and my Rocktail collection will increase by around 100 for that quest. Plan B. =P


Ok, the title. I honestly don't remember how to spell it. >.<

Anyways, the day went as usual. School, and homework. Not as much gaming time, after all...
I took the normal herb run, and then... I don't know, I slept, so nothing much. I went to my school's Carnival, 8th to 10th grade. Mmm, Hot dogs. Haha, it was very fun. Argh, after that, I played RuneScape and managed to spend my Penguin Points on Summoning. I'm now level 53. Thank god for Penguin Points! I've leveled up so much thank to the evil Penguins. Anyways, a guy in my class really wanna visit me sometime. We're friends, and I kinda moved here last year... slowly progress. God I miss my other friends.

tirsdag 23. mars 2010

New Rune Guardian colours and more

Yay! I finished my homework earlier today, and got lotsa time to play RuneScape.
Remember last night? Well, that night, I managed to get 60 Construction. Haha! Only one more. Oh, and guess what. Now there's none more! I can do Nomad's Requiem!
I'll wait till friday, I'll host a party for my Quest cape. I do not expect alot of people, tho.

Jagex updated the game; the title says it all. Now I got a white (air) one. It looks cool, but it's completely white.. Which isn't all that great.

Also when you switch worlds, there'll be a cancel countdown button. I told you about Andreaz Hunt, right? He bought new members' today! Yess! A good day, I must say! I can't wait till friday; Nomad's Going down!

I met this cool guy with Questcape today, Andredre007.

Here's a pic of him, me, my new Air-Rune Guardian and My Arm.

Yesterday, I even found something new. Made by that shitty Evony, of course.
It looks MYSTERIOUSLY much like World of WARcraft, DOESN'T IT?
Anyways, I clicked the ad just to look. And of course, WoL copied the RuneScape start-screen where you can select "Continue to full website with news and gamehelp" and "Never show this again" options. Seriously, I hope WoW sues them. This is fucking bullshit.

mandag 22. mars 2010

Yay... Monday

I hate mondays! I hate them! I went up, really tired. I played a little too late yesterday (nothing new here).

I got my fucking math test back, and I got a fucking 3. I normally get that, I'm not particulary good at math. ARGH! Damn homework! Alot? Nay. Happy now?

Anyways, when I got home from that hell-hole, I pulled out my PC and hunted. I managed a few level ups before I was forced to get the damn thing away from me.
But when I came back on, mjm told me on MSN that mod Sommerz is in the T I Z C clan chat right now! I hurried back on, and there he was. The shiny golden crown. Ah, mod Sommerz is the coolest mod. He is Norwegian, which I am too.

My picture uploader button thing finally screwed up... So nope, no pictures in this post...

Anyways, I pushed my Mining to 65. YAY! Only 2 stats to Nomad's; Prayer and Construction. Badass thing is, I am low on money.

Anyways, I'll use my peng points on the Construction. Ah, I can't wait to put on my trophy, Soul Wars cape, and Quest cape. Ah. The sweet taste of Quests.

søndag 21. mars 2010


I was a little too excited, so I put out a picture of my friend, Undead Flash (Mr Flash).

Anyways, what I've heard from the forums, there'll soon be a new Myraque quest (Sorry if I misspelled, Saflaan never really learned me how to spell it. Oh, and did I say soon? I ment 8 months.)

Anyways, I achieved 75 Magic and 66 Mining, so that means I only need 3 stats to Nomad's Requiem!
That quest is going to be a challange. I'll train some more when I can.

Hmm, Mining

Greetings, dear readers.

Today, I mined, and mined and mined. Nothing particulary special... BUT, I took this cool picture of some clan members and my friend, mjm.
From left to right, mjm, me, then foxyb0y.

Ah! And yesterday, I edited a picture of me.

My First day of blogging

Hello. I'm kh576. Welcome to my first blog. Here I will tell you about my accomplishments, funny moments, frustrating moments, Etc. in the MMORPG, RuneScape.

First off, I'm not a wealthy player. I got no 99's yet, but I really enjoy the game. All my money in the game has gone to Quests, so I really hope it pays off when I get the cape. =)

I think I'll start of Talking about some friends. Sorry if your not mentioned here, but I got 200 Friends, alot of them are very close to my in real life, and some don't.

Andreaz Hunt: Probably the best friend I've ever had in this game. It first started off in the summer, I met him with the Rellekka rockcrabs. He was around level 30 Cb and me 60-70 Cb. He played the game alot more than me, and he got combat 94 VERY fast.

Sad thing is, I think he has quit the game.

Explosivest (New name: Rabies)
The leader of my current clan, TIZC (cc T I Z C).
He is an extremely good leader, and we even got a website. My point of our friendship is good friends. He is a very nice person.

DEATHOWNERR (First name: De Slayer, which I prefer to call him)
He is calling me his best friend EVER, He is a VERY good friend, and when I feel down, he supports me. He is a very good friend.

Astriksw (legendofsea)
To say it in one way; another very good friend. He constantly wants Bandos Godsword. I support him in that case, I really think that is a great goal of accomplishment.

Mari627 (new name, II Mari II)
Good friend. I know her for her skills in money-lacking, while, it seems to be infinitive bag of money. I wonder how her bank is, probably full of Barrows. Still a good friend, a funny one too.

Chef Norway
I found him making movies with his friend, Cb 3 (I don't really remember the whole name.. sorry if your reading this!) Chef Norway is combat level 3, which is rather impressive, he got alot of 99's and seems very wealthy and popular. He is almost all the time in Chat Norway.

Undead Flash (Once a clan-leader, but, quit the clan. Now he is a very skilled player. New Name: Mr Flash)
A good friend, bad thing I don't know him that well. He, too, is very often in the clan chat, Chat Norway.

Simen Grymy
A good friend, with a clan chat he tries to keep order on (we can quite say it's a clan, but not that big as TIZC). Nice person, he cares about others, and respect them.

A good friend, I don't know that good, but he supports me in the case of the Questcape.
(oh, I didn't mention it, did I? My only goal is the Quest cape right now.)
When I got money problem because of the prayer training for Nomad's, I panicked. Luckily, mjm is supporting me, and offering me money.

iMongolid (iMongo)
A good friend, high ranked in the clan, good friend of me. We doesn't normally hang out, but, we chat in the clan chat, T I Z C.

If I forgot you in this post, I will maybe write you next time.