tirsdag 23. mars 2010

New Rune Guardian colours and more

Yay! I finished my homework earlier today, and got lotsa time to play RuneScape.
Remember last night? Well, that night, I managed to get 60 Construction. Haha! Only one more. Oh, and guess what. Now there's none more! I can do Nomad's Requiem!
I'll wait till friday, I'll host a party for my Quest cape. I do not expect alot of people, tho.

Jagex updated the game; the title says it all. Now I got a white (air) one. It looks cool, but it's completely white.. Which isn't all that great.

Also when you switch worlds, there'll be a cancel countdown button. I told you about Andreaz Hunt, right? He bought new members' today! Yess! A good day, I must say! I can't wait till friday; Nomad's Going down!

I met this cool guy with Questcape today, Andredre007.

Here's a pic of him, me, my new Air-Rune Guardian and My Arm.

Yesterday, I even found something new. Made by that shitty Evony, of course.
It looks MYSTERIOUSLY much like World of WARcraft, DOESN'T IT?
Anyways, I clicked the ad just to look. And of course, WoL copied the RuneScape start-screen where you can select "Continue to full website with news and gamehelp" and "Never show this again" options. Seriously, I hope WoW sues them. This is fucking bullshit.

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