onsdag 11. august 2010

A Void Dance

A new Quest came out yesterday! Sorry for not posting, but as the school soon starts, I'll post on Tuesdays and Fridays.

On to the Quest. This Quest was the second Quest in the new storyline; the void series.

In this Quest, you have to run around and track down the pest, and later even fighting Elite Black Knights!

At first, you arrive at the Void Knight base by the sea-route. Then you find Korasi and Captain Tyr in a coversation. Cpt. Tyr wants you to investigate and track down the escaped pest, and Jessika and Korasi will join you. Apparently the Pest isn't all bad after all.

Further progress in Fletching, I've levelled alot! Almost level 90 now.

I haven't yet decided how to finish my house, but I trained some Construction to 71 and built a nice fence for my garden.

I have a small goal of 80 Farming, which won't take too long, but it'll take quite some time, wish me luck!

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