torsdag 20. januar 2011

Hati wolf and King of the Dwarves

The Wilderness and Free Trade will return! The 1st of February, next month, 12 days. As for me, I won't sell my herbs. I will stock them up, and I will be buying more ranarr seeds.

One of the main content added this month was the new Dwarf Quest, King of the Dwarves, and the Hati wolf. The Hati wolf is apparently the son of the wolf Fenrir (Fenris) from norse mythology. With its level of 654 and 20'000 hitpoints. The Hati wolf has got a chance of 80% to drop Hati paws and Hati head, the Hati paws giving you 10 hours of double exp in combat and the head serving only for decorating purposes.
However when killed in a group, which happened all the time the day it came out, it all of you will get the same chance of the same drop. So, multiple players can, and or will get the same drop.

The new Dwarf Quest was actually ... quite a disappointment. There were no hard requirements, and the only "boss" was easy as hell. The most of the Quest is talking and lore, which is fine to me, but I missed the depth put into it. It looks like Jagex rushed to publish this Quest.

However, the same day I published the last entry, I levelled Constitution and Defence on bandits. I've pushed them both to level 83. I've actually reached level 84. Am I going for Nomad? I haven't fought him for a long time. Anyway, I also levelled my Herblore to level 69 while taking a herb run.
Right now I'm training Fletching. I'm 285k exp away from level 94. I'm not so sure if I am going for 99 or not tho.

Hmm, I guess that's all, folks!


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